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Transforming Lead Generation: A HubSpot Success Story

Written by David McMahon | 07 May 2024 // 11:23 PM

The Moment of Realisation

"David, I think we're missing something big." Those were the first words from Steve, the marketing manager of a construction company that develops equipment for the mining industry, during our initial consultation. There was a palpable sense of frustration in his voice. "We've been using HubSpot for a year now, but I feel like we're only tapping into 20% of its marketing features."

As a Senior HubSpot Consultant, I’ve seen this scenario many times. The potential of HubSpot is immense, but without the right strategies, it can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded.

Steve's company wasn't seeing the lead generation results they had hoped for. Their landing pages were underperforming, their email workflows were basic, and their social media presence was lacklustre. In short, they needed a game plan.

The Strategy Session

We scheduled a deep dive session where I introduced Steve to 17 tried-and-tested ways to generate leads using HubSpot. By the end of our session, we had identified three key strategies to implement over the next three months:

  1. Optimising Landing Pages: We revamped their landing pages to be more engaging and conversion-focused.
  2. Utilising Pop-up CTAs: We added strategically placed pop-up CTAs on high-traffic pages.
  3. Refining Email Workflows: We built targeted email workflows to nurture leads effectively.

Fast forward three months, and Steve called me with a much different tone. "David, our leads from the website have increased by 8%! It's incredible to see the difference."

Unleashing HubSpot's Full Potential

Steve’s story highlights a common challenge among HubSpot users—underutilisation. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting with HubSpot, knowing how to leverage its features can significantly boost your lead generation efforts.

Here, I'll share the 17 ways to generate leads using HubSpot that helped transform Steve’s marketing strategy.

17 Ways to Generate Leads Using HubSpot

1. Lead Magnets and Landing Pages

Creating valuable content such as ebooks or research reports and offering them through optimised landing pages is a powerful way to capture leads. For Steve, we developed a guide on choosing the right mining equipment. The landing page for this guide saw a significant increase in conversions.

2. Pop-up CTAs on High Traffic Pages

Pop-up CTAs on high-traffic pages can capture visitor information effectively. We added these to Steve’s top-performing blog posts, contributing to the increase in leads. The key is to make the pop-up relevant and non-intrusive.

3. CTAs for Event Interests

Embedding CTAs within emails to gauge interest in events and following up using workflows can be very effective. For Steve, we promoted webinars on mining equipment technologies, generating interest and capturing leads.

4. Social Media Posting to Individual Profiles

Leveraging LinkedIn profiles of key team members to schedule and post content reaches a wider audience. By syncing these posts with HubSpot, Steve's team saw increased engagement from potential leads within their network.

5. Blog Optimisation

Optimising blog posts for search engines using HubSpot’s SEO tools attracts organic traffic. Steve's company started ranking higher for key terms related to mining equipment, driving more traffic to their site.

6. Workflow Templates

Using HubSpot's workflow templates to automate follow-up actions and lead nurturing processes saves time and ensures no lead falls through the cracks. For Steve, we set up workflows to nurture leads who downloaded their guides, gradually moving them down the funnel.

7. Promo Emails with Specific Page Visits

Setting up automated email workflows to trigger after visitors view specific high-value pages can be highly effective. Steve's team used this to follow up with visitors who viewed their pricing page, offering additional information and incentives.

8. Qualifying Questions in Forms

Adding qualifying questions to forms helps gather detailed information, enhancing follow-up actions. On Steve’s lead-capture forms, we included questions about the prospects' needs and challenges, which helped tailor their follow-up communications.

9. Progressive Forms

Using progressive fields in forms to gather additional information from returning visitors builds a comprehensive profile over time. We implemented this on Steve's site, allowing them to capture more information each time a lead interacted with a form.

10. LinkedIn Ad Targeting

Syncing HubSpot data with LinkedIn for targeted ad campaigns can effectively drive leads. Steve’s company utilised this to run targeted ads to their ideal customer profiles, resulting in better-quality leads.

11. Re-engaging Grey Mail or Unengaged Contacts

Using personalised one-to-one emails to re-engage contacts who have not interacted with your mass emails can bring leads back into the fold. Steve's team saw success with this strategy, reactivating several dormant leads.

12. Quizzes and Lead Activities Using Forms

Creating engaging quizzes or activities can draw interest and capture leads. For example, Steve's company ran a quiz on selecting the right mining equipment, which proved popular and effective in generating leads.

13. AB Testing in Sequences

Using AB testing in email sequences to determine the most effective messaging can significantly improve lead generation. We tested different email content for Steve and identified the messaging that resonated best with their audience.

14. Indoctrination Series

Developing an indoctrination series to build relationships with new contacts through a series of informative emails is crucial. Steve’s company used this to educate new leads about their products and services, establishing trust and credibility.

15. Hosting Virtual Events Synced with HubSpot

Syncing virtual events with HubSpot allows for effective tracking of participant interactions. Steve's team hosted webinars on mining technologies, capturing valuable leads and following up efficiently.

16. Identify Easy Touch Points for Templates

Creating and using email templates for different follow-up scenarios streamlines the lead generation process. We developed templates for Steve's team, making their follow-up efforts more consistent and efficient.

17. Generating Leads Through Reviews or Referrals

Setting up sequences to request reviews and referrals from satisfied customers can attract new leads. Steve's company leveraged their happy customers to generate referrals, leading to new business opportunities.


By implementing these 17 strategies, Steve’s company saw a notable increase in lead generation. As marketers, leveraging these methods can help you unlock HubSpot's full potential, driving more leads and ultimately, more business growth.

If you're looking to optimise your HubSpot usage further, I invite you to download our free HubSpot Integration guide to save time and skyrocket your business growth. Visit here to get started.